What Should You Do with Your Old Air Compressor? A Comprehensive Guide

We’ve all been there. You’ve just purchased a shiny new air compressor and you’re left wondering, “What should I do with my old air compressor?” Don’t fret! There are several viable options available to you or your business. This article will guide you through these options, helping you make the best decision for your specific situation.

Keep it as a Backup

One often overlooked option is to keep your old air compressor as a backup. Imagine this scenario: your new compressor unexpectedly breaks down. Having a backup compressor on hand can keep your operations running smoothly, avoiding costly downtime. When setting up your old compressor as a backup, remember to adjust the pressure switches so that the old compressor operates at a pressure 5 to 10 PSI lower than the new one.

Sell it Online

If you already have a reliable backup compressor, consider selling your old one. Online marketplaces like eBay are great platforms for this. A good rule of thumb for pricing is $100 per horsepower for a machine in good condition, or $125 per horsepower if it’s in “great” condition. If you’re selling a well-known brand in excellent condition, you could fetch between $150 and $200 per horsepower. Remember, a clean compressor is a sellable compressor!

Decommission It

If your air compressor has been decommissioned, it’s best to cut a large hole in the tank or cut it in half. This eliminates any liability if someone else takes the old compressor tank from your property. Some people repurpose old tanks into barbecue pits, but we recommend against this unless you’re sure the oil used is food-grade.

Salvage for Scrap

Another option is to salvage your old compressor for scrap. There are professionals who can separate the metals for better scrap value, including steel, copper (from the electric motor), and cast (from the pump).


Deciding what to do with your old air compressor doesn’t have to be a headache. Whether you keep it as a backup, sell it online, decommission it, or salvage it for scrap, there’s a solution that’s right for you. Remember, the best decision is the one that suits your specific needs and circumstances.


  1. What can I do with my old air compressor? You can keep it as a backup, sell it online, decommission it, or salvage it for scrap.
  2. How much can I sell my old air compressor for? A good rule of thumb is $100 per horsepower for a machine in good condition, or $125 per horsepower if it’s in “great” condition.
  3. What should I do if my old air compressor has been decommissioned? It’s best to cut a large hole in the tank or cut it in half to eliminate any liability.
  4. Can I repurpose my old air compressor tank into a barbecue pit? While some people do this, it’s not recommended unless you’re sure the oil used is food-grade.
  5. Can I salvage my old air compressor for scrap? Yes, there are professionals who can separate the metals for better scrap value.

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