Introducing KORE Compressors: Revolutionizing Air Compression

Are you tired of the same old air compressors that don’t live up to your expectations? Well, guess what? Compressor World has introduced a new line of air compressors from KORE Compressors that’s about to change the game. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill compressors; we’re talking top-notch features and performance that’ll make your jaw drop. Let’s dive in, shall we?

What Makes KORE Compressors Stand Out?

KORE Compressors are like the superheroes of the air compressor world. They come with a full range of rotary screw air compressors, with load/no load controls as well as variable speed drive controllers. But wait, there’s more! They offer standard features like Wye Delta/Reduced voltage starting, Phase Protection, Sound Enclosures, PLC Controllers, and TEFC Drive Motors. These features are usually optional with other suppliers, but with KORE, it’s all in the package!

The Power of Choice

One of the best things about KORE Compressors is the power of choice they give to the customer. All parts can be sourced locally, so you can choose to buy from the factory or a local industrial or service provider. Plus, they use top brands like TECO Westinghouse motors and Siemens electrical components. How cool is that?

A Range to Suit Your Needs

Whether you’re looking for something small and compact or something that packs a punch, KORE Compressors has got you covered. They offer a large range of rotary screw air compressors from 15 to 500 horsepower. The majority of rotary screw compressors sold in the United States are 50 horsepower and below, and KORE Compressors are stocked in Massachusetts for quick shipments.


KORE Compressors are changing the way we think about air compressors. With their range of features and the power of choice, they are a force to be reckoned with in the air compressor market. So, next time you’re in the market for an air compressor, why not give KORE a shot? You won’t be disappointed.


Q1: What kind of features do KORE Compressors offer?
A: KORE Compressors offer features like Wye Delta/Reduced voltage starting, Phase Protection, Sound Enclosures, PLC Controllers, and TEFC Drive Motors as standard.

Q2: Can I source parts for KORE Compressors locally?
A: Yes, all parts for KORE Compressors can be sourced locally, giving you the choice to buy from the factory or a local industrial or service provider.

Q3: What range of horsepower do KORE Compressors offer?
A: KORE Compressors offer a large range of rotary screw air compressors from 15 to 500 horsepower.

Q4: Where are KORE Compressors stocked?
A: KORE Compressors are stocked in Massachusetts for quick shipments.

Q5: What brands do KORE Compressors use for components?
A: KORE Compressors use top brands like TECO Westinghouse motors and Siemens electrical components.

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