Choosing the Right Air Compressor for Screen Printing Equipment

The screen printing industry is increasingly shifting towards machines that require dry air, making the selection of an air compressor a crucial decision. This guide aims to help you understand how to choose the right air compressor for your screen printing equipment.

Key Factors to Consider

When buying a new pneumatic screen printing machine or related equipment, it’s essential to ask the manufacturer or supplier for the required cubic feet per minute (CFM) needed to run the equipment. The compressor sizing is usually based on the number of stations, and screen printing machines can have more than a dozen.

The more stations a machine has, the larger the air demand or supply it will require. Typically, buyers invest in the total air system that incorporates the compressor, tank, and dryer. These compressor systems are compact and quiet, making them ideal for installations near workstations.

Here are some questions you should remember to ask when specifying a new compressor for your screen printer:

  • How much air (CFM) is required?
  • What pressure (PSI) is needed?
  • What are your general requirements?
  • Do you have enough space around the compressor for maintenance?

Remember, the power you have access to in your warehouse could limit the compressor size. For instance, if you only have a 1-phase, the largest single-phase compressor you could safely install is 7.5 horsepower (20 to 30 CFM).

The Importance of an Air Dryer

If you have an existing screen printer with a compressor that does not include a dryer, it’s recommended to install a new air dryer after the compressor. This allows you to dry the entire air system instead of one connection, making it more cost-effective if you add new air lines and want that section to be dry.


Choosing the right air compressor for your screen printing equipment is a critical decision that can impact the efficiency and quality of your operations. If you have any lingering questions, feel free to contact the team of experienced air compressor experts at Compressor World.


  1. Why is the selection of an air compressor important for screen printing equipment? The selection of an air compressor is crucial as the screen printing industry is increasingly shifting towards machines that require dry air.
  2. What factors should I consider when choosing an air compressor for my screen printing equipment? Factors to consider include the required CFM, the needed PSI, your general requirements, and the space available for compressor maintenance.
  3. Why is it recommended to install a new air dryer after the compressor? Installing a new air dryer after the compressor allows you to dry the entire air system instead of one connection, making it more cost-effective if you add new air lines and want that section to be dry.

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