How to Make the Right Call When Choosing an Air Compressor

Choosing an air compressor can feel like navigating a maze. With so many products on the market, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through the process and help you make the right call.

Key Considerations

Here are some tips to help you narrow down your search:

  • Baseline Demand: Determine your baseline demand or air usage, typically measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM).
  • Variable Demand: If your demand varies between 30 and 80% within a few shifts, consider a speed drive air compressor. But remember, variable speed drives can be expensive to repair if they fail after the warranty period.
  • Energy Efficiency: Look for a compressor with a Wye Delta or reduced voltage starting to minimize the inrush current.
  • Maintenance and Repair Costs: Ask for a one-year service cost estimate. Don’t settle for vague guesses.
  • Price: The most expensive air compressor isn’t always the best choice for your needs. Balance cost with functionality and longevity.


Choosing the right air compressor is about understanding your needs and matching them with the right product. If you feel comfortable talking with your compressed air expert, you’re more likely to end up with a great air compressor.


Q1: What is baseline demand in the context of air compressors?
A: Baseline demand refers to the typical air usage of your operations, usually measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM).

Q2: What is a speed drive air compressor?
A: A speed drive air compressor adjusts its speed based on the demand, making it suitable for operations with variable air usage.

Q3: What is the importance of energy efficiency in air compressors?
A: Energy-efficient air compressors, like those with a Wye Delta or reduced voltage starting, can minimize inrush current, leading to energy savings.

Q4: Why should I consider maintenance and repair costs when choosing an air compressor?
A: Maintenance and repair costs can add up over time, so it’s important to consider these when choosing an air compressor to avoid unexpected expenses.

Q5: Is the most expensive air compressor always the best choice?
A: No, the most expensive air compressor is not always the best choice. It’s important to consider your specific needs and choose a compressor that offers the best value for your operations.

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